What do you put inside a camping tent?

What do you put inside a camping tent?

What do you put inside a camping tent?

Camping is one of the most fun experiences one can have with their friends and family. Being out in the wilderness, sitting by the fire, roasting some S’mores, and sharing some great stories, is a feeling which rarely can be compared.

Once you reach your designated campsite, it doesn’t take a lot of time before you pitch in your tent, set your chairs and table outside, and set up your food area too.

However, most people usually neglect one thing until they are about to go to sleep is setting the inside of their tent. Preparing the inside beforehand will not only be more convenient, but it will also feel as a blessing when you go inside to sleep after a tiring camping day, and you see the inside all set.

If you are a first-time camper and someone who has no clue what to keep inside their camping tents, don’t worry. We have enlisted for you a bunch of things that can not only make your tent cozy but a cleaner one too. 

What to put inside a camping tent?

While first-time campers do have a slight idea of what they have to take with them for camping, one thing which they rarely know about is how to set the inside of a tent and what to keep in it.

If this is the same case with you, then don’t worry. Just read what we have mentioned below, and you will be good to go.

  • Tent Floor Saver

The tent you bought obviously has the floor. However, most tents have a floor that is quite thin. So if you are camping on a ground that is uneven, muddy, or has a lot of rocks beneath, guess who will stay up all night? You.

In order to avoid such situations, you buy a tent floor saver. Not only will it level your floor and make it softer, but it will also help you keep the tent floor clean, considering you can pick it up and dust it off easily. 

  • Sleeping Bag and Pillows

A sleeping bag is a given to keep because where else will you sleep. With you out of the comforts of your own home, sleep can be a little hard. However, a good-quality sleeping bag will play wonders for you. Go around and check the comfiest good quality sleeping bag you can find.

If you have kids, apart from comfort, a cute themed sleeping bag will make their camping trip even better.

Moreover, a bunch of small cushions or pillows should be inside too. 

  • Blanket

You never know when it can get cold while outside camping; you are out in the open, under the stars, after all.

While a blanket may not be needed when you are sleeping within the comforts of your sleeping bag, but it can always come in handy when you are chilling outside on your chairs or sitting by the fire sharing some stories. You can always cuddle up inside and enjoy.

  • A Small Table

A small foldable table is a great option to carry with you when camping. You can easily place it inside your tent and put all the small but important stuff on it. It will be convenient for you because you will know where a particular thing is placed, and quickly grab it. A water bottle, a book, a watch, your phone can all be placed on the table. 

  • Light Sources

It is very important to keep a light source inside your camp. It gets dark when you are out camping, and with no source of electricity around, a flashlight or emergency light can come in handy.

So, keeping a light source on your foldable table is a great option when out camping. 

  • Mosquito Protection Net

Being out in the wilderness means being exposed to many insects or mosquitos. So to be on the safer side, we suggest you keep a mosquito protection net and make sure those bad boys stay away from you while you have a peaceful night’s sleep.

  • Hanging Organizers

If you are worried that your smaller items will be misplaced in the hassle that camping brings with itself, then we have a pretty smart idea for you. Do you know those hanging organizers, which have little pockets in them? Yeah, carry that one with you, and keep all your smaller items inside it to prevent it from getting lost.

  • Your Backpacks

While keeping your bags inside is an obvious thing, we have another trick for you. Always place your bag pack face front with your sleeping bag and right next to it. Why? Well, it will be handy for you to take out stuff when you are packed within your sleeping bag and prevent you from waking others up if you want to take something out in the middle of the night. 


Camping is a great experience, and it can be made even better if you go well prepared. Making a list of the required items beforehand and making sure to recheck a list before heading out is a great tactic to use.

This way you will remember to keep everything and have a great camping experience. If you are heading out to camp for the first-time, then we hope our list of what to keep inside your camping tent was helpful for you, and it gave you a clear idea of what to carry.

However, everybody has different basic necessities, and hence, it is not important to follow this list from point to point. Feel free to make your own changes and keep what you feel is important.

Have a great camping experience.



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