Give Your Kids the Gift of Camping and the Great Outdoors This Holiday Season
The holiday season may seem like it's still months away, but if you look outside, you will see that most of your neighbors already have their Halloween decorations out. Your local grocery store has been playing "Monster Mash" for weeks, and it will soon be playing your favorite Christmas tune. Before you know it, the stores will be filled with Christmas decorations, and your kids will be filled with excitement as they think about what you are getting them this year. But what are you getting them for Christmas this year?
With activities that are restricted to your immediate family becoming a normal part of everyday life, camping equipment is the best gift that you can give your kids this holiday season. A tent, mummy sleeping bag, first aid kit, and flashlight can provide you and your children years of memories as you explore the great outdoors.
Why Take Your Kids Camping?
Camping is a lot of work, and planning the trip can be an exhausting task. Making sure you and each child comes equipped with the right gear for your trip almost seems impossible. Toss in the actual trip where you now have to build a home in the middle of nature, and it almost feels not worth it. That feeling is a lie.
Sure, camping is challenging and requires much preparation, and comes with the added responsibility of creating a safe environment in the middle of nature, but it is also the perfect holiday gift that you can give yourself and your family.
The Benefits to Camping with Your Kids
Improves your Health: Research shows that camping does wonders for your health. Simply breathing in the fresh air lowers your blood pressure, reduces stress, and improves your overall mood. Camping comes with some physical requirements as well.
From the moment you get there and pitch the tent, unravel the sleeping bags, and gather wood for the fire, you are already releasing natural chemicals into your body that improve your overall health. If you want the entire camping experience and go hiking, or on nature walks, you will improve your breathing, develop a stronger heartbeat, and increase your body's physical health. That sounds like a win to me.
Builds Self-Esteem: let's face it, with most of your kids' only friends living in their Playstation or cell phone, they don't have a lot of opportunities to develop their independence and self-esteem. Giving them the gift of camping this holiday season can really turn that around.
When you go camping, it is a full-contact experience. Everyone is required to participate in the setup, activities, and tear down. Your kids will go on nature walks, jump on rocks, and chase bugs as they explore nature and end up exploring themselves. They will fall, make mistakes, and forget to pack their sleeping bag, but they will also start a fire for the first time, successfully clean a scraped knee and get back on the rock they fell off, and maybe conquer that 3-mile hike that seemed impossible. They will return from their first trip a different, better person.
Teaches Survival Skills: In a world where every man, woman, and child is lives in their cell phone, basic survival skills are lost. If you talk to the average 18-year-old today, they couldn’t tell you how to change a tire, pitch a tent, or even how to use a mummy sleeping bag. While that is not necessarily a bad thing since we live in a world where social survival skills are paramount, knowing how to take care of yourself in an emergency can save your life.
Knowing how to start a fire, go fishing, descale a fish and cook it, pitch a tent, and other basic survival skills can be valuable skills that your kids take with them for the rest of their lives. Let's face it, you probably don’t even know how to do these things. Learning with them can be a great experience that you remember for years to come.
Unplugging: The reality of it is, the online world is becoming increasingly important and will be around from here on it. That being said, knowing how to leave Snapchat and Instagram at home while you experience nature gives you and your family a unique experience not always possible at home.
You will be able to talk about things you don't usually talk about. Camping comes with an almost "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" vibe where people feel compelled to share and open up. If you or your kids are locked in your phone, that isn’t necessary because there are millions of people to open up to there. Unplugging also allows you to reground yourself in reality. Getting caught up in the rapidly changing news while you are constantly warned of all the doom and gloom around you really makes you forget that flowers are blooming right now, and they smell lovely.
There are a million other reasons why camping is the right thing for you and your family. Between making memories, making mistakes, and building a relationship with your children, camping is a must.
What Do I Bring with Me on a Camping Trip?
That's excellent. Now you know why camping is an excellent idea for your family, but what do you need to bring with you. Unlike going on a vacation in a hotel, there are fewer needs, and they are entirely different. Let's take a look at what you need to bring and what needs to stay home.
- Tent
- Flashlight
- Ultralight sleeping bag
- Sleeping pads or cots
- Camping chairs
- Lighting such as lanterns or string lights
- Fire-starters such as lighter or matches
- A positive attitude
These are the basics. You may also want to bring:
- A camping table for games or meals
- Firewood purchased inside the park
- Duct tape
- Batteries
- Ax for firewood
- Camera
- Bug spray
That's it. Aside from nature-safe clothing, that is all you need to bring with you on your camping trip. The list of what to leave behind maybe a bit longer.
Don’t Bring:
- Tablet
- Ring light
- Selfie stick
- Make-up
- Too many toys
- Strong scented perfumes or deodorants
- Glass items
- Mirrors
- Fire accelerants such as gas
- Expensive Jewelry
- A bad attitude
- Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and Snapchat
- The news
Camping is a simple and enjoyable experience, and bringing the bare minimum while also leaving behind the world at home will enhance your experience and help create more enjoyable memories.
The Perfect Sleeping Bag for Your Child
Everyone knows that a child that didn't get good sleep can derail everything. Not only will all your plans fall through, causing your day to potentially be ruined, but they also won't be having fun. Providing your kids with the best possible sleeping bag will enhance everyone's camping experience.
But what kind of sleeping bag do I need? I am glad you asked. There are many kinds of sleeping bags out there intended for different uses depending on your needs. Some are built for all seasons, while some are intended solely for warmer climates. Let's dive into your options.
Summer Sleeping Bag: These sleeping bags will be lighter, provide little insulation, and are more geared toward creating a softer ground for you and your kids to sleep on. They come in four styles: rectangular, semi-rectangular, mummy, and double bed. A Summer sleeping bag will be rated for higher temperatures, so don't plan on getting one for your kids if you plan to go camping in a colder climate.
3-Season Sleeping Bag: A 3-Season Sleeping bag is rated for temperatures as low as 15 degrees. Chances are, this is going to be the best sleeping bag for your needs as camping during the winter months is not as popular, and you must go to a warmer climate. They come in the same four styles as the summer sleeping bags. Since they are rated for cooler temperatures, the insulation delivers more comfort than the Summer sleeping bags.
Winter Sleeping Bag: This bag is intended exclusively for colder climates where you are likely to experience harsh weather such as snow or strong cold winds. They are rated for temperatures below 15 degrees and typically come in a mummy-style as they are the best at holding in hear.
Now that you know about the different ratings for sleeping bags, which one is right for your kids?
To answer that question, you must consider the weather where you plan to camp, the ground you plan to have your kids sleep on, if you plan to bring sleeping pads, what your child enjoys, and many other things. If you are looking for a simple answer, a KidzAdventure Sleeping Bag is probably the best choice for you.
KidzAdventure Sleeping Bags are great for your kids. They will love opening them up on Christmas morning, knowing that they are going camping soon. Chances are after all the gifts are open and they are good and tired, you will find your kids sleeping in them while they recover from the morning's activities.
But what makes KidzAdventure Sleeping Bags so great? Here are a few reasons you and your kids will love their new sleeping bag.
- They come in different colors for boys and girls and have nature-themed decorations.
- They are ultralight sleeping bags so your kids can independently pack and unpack them.
- They come in a mummy style so that they can be used in all seasons as they keep in the warmth.
- They are comfortable and will ensure your kid gets a good night's sleep.
- They are incredibly durable and will last at least three years regardless of how often you go camping.
With these great features, getting a KidzAdventure sleeping bag for your kids this holiday season is an absolute must.
Where to Camp During the Winter
Chances are, your kids are not going to want to wait until Spring or Summer to go camping, so finding a great warm place to go camping this winter is a priority. Here are a few popular places that you can take your family camping this winter.
Dry Tortugas National Park: This park is located in Florida, and the January temperatures typically hover around the mid-70s. The climate is beautiful, and your kids will be able to enjoy snorkeling, kayaking, and other wonderful sites. Their new mummy sleeping bags will help keep them comfortable as they sleep, making every day a great day.
Death Valley: Don't be alarmed by the name. Death Valley is a beautiful national park located in California and Nevada. With nothing around for over a hundred miles, you and your family can enjoy the warm climate, beautiful sites, and rich desert environment where they can learn about plants and animals. It can get as low as 40 degrees at night, so the mummy sleeping bags will keep your kids warm and comfortable.
White Sands National Park: This location is not for the faint of heart, as you are automatically required to hike over a mile and a half just to get to the campsites. There are no amenities, so you and your children will have to be prepared to use the restroom outside. This is where the survival skills mentioned earlier come into play. This is the entire camping experience, and you will return home with wonderful memories. The warm climate ensures that your kids will sleep comfortably in their new mummy sleeping bag.
Get Out and Go:
Don’t wait another minute. This Christmas, get your kids the gifts that will offer you and your family wonderful memories for the rest of your lives. Teach your kids life skills by introducing them to the great outdoors. You will not regret it.